Buy Mairéad’s CD ‘Reflections on Love’
Click here to buy Mairéad’s first solo album; ‘Reflections on Love’.
A selection of love songs from Classical to Jazz everybody will enjoy.
“The versatility these tracks display is astonishing. Mairéad goes from Puccini to Joni Mitchell with complete ease, imbuing both with the essential freedom that only the best singers have.” Shaun Davey.

An accolade from Pat Kenny

“A wonderful mezzo-soprano…really knocked the socks off the entire audience!”
(‘Today With Pat Kenny’, RTÉ Radio 1. 2012)
Fáilte ó chroí!
A warm welcome!
Hear Mairéad Singing
Sé ‘n Tiarna m’Aoire by F. O’Cearbhaill
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Charles Pearson
Fornocht Do Chonac Thú by Pádraig Mac Piarais (lyrics) and Mairéad Déiseach (music)
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Margaret O’Sullivan
Ave Maria by Schubert
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Charles Pearson
O’Mio Babbino Caro by Puccini
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Charles Pearson
Pie Jesu by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Charles Pearson
Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan
Vocals and Violin by Mairéad Déiseach and Guitar by Seán Whelan
Nella Fantasia by Ennio Morricone
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Organist by Charles Pearson
I Want You by Tom Waits
Vocals by Mairéad Déiseach and Guitar by Seán Whelan